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U.S. Air Force Strategic Deterrence Capabilities in the 21st Century Security Environment

This report summarizes a two-part workshop titled “U.S. Air Force Strategic Deterrence Capabilities in the 21st Century Security Environment.” The two workshop sessions were held in Washington, D.C., on September 26-28, 2012, and January 29-31, 2013, under the auspices of the Air Force Studies Board of the National Research Council. The workshop was attended by a very diverse set of participants with expertise in strategic deterrence and a range of analytic tools of potential interest to the Air Force. Specific terms of reference (TOR) for the workshop are listed in Box 1-1. Early on, the workshop committee discussed the TOR, emphasizing that its work should produce something that can actually be used by the Air Force. More than once, committee members questioned whether the scope of this workshop should be limited to deterrence by “nuclear” forces or broadened to include deterrence by non-nuclear forces (e.g., conventional offensive weapons, missile defenses, cyber capabilities, space-based systems, and drones); the resulting discussion indicated that the workshop focus would be primarily on those tools and methods applicable to analysis of nuclear deterrence.1 With respect to adjusting the TOR, the main concern was that “social network analysis and crowd sourcing” was explicitly called out, but it became clear that these terms were not meant to limit the techniques to be considered. After more discussion, the committee did not change the TOR but did develop several questions to be considered during the workshop, including the following:
Social Science